Improved planet map with fog of war and more.

  1. In this version you can explore the planet map with a new fog of war.
  2. It also has bigger dimensions which can change depending on the planet.
  3. You can drag and drop to see more of the planet map.
  4. The position of the robot gets saved after exploring a sector and going back to the planet
  5. I fixed some bugs on the sector exploration screen, now it detects only the terrain the explorer is standing on. Before it detected many terrains at the same time which provoked some bugs.
  6. The terrain effects while exploring should make more sense now. Each terrain has a couple of effects which can be viewed on the left side of the screen:
    1. All terrains affect speed of movement in some way, the speed is determined by the tool used to traverse the terrain, for example: boots.
    2. You can see immediately which properties and tools get affected at the top.
    3. If you want more details you can check the list at the bottom left side of the screen.
  7. Sorry for so little progress this week, correcting bugs took most of my time.


Planetary Exploration Company 15 MB
Jul 23, 2021


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(1 edit)

I think I found a bug, sometimes you can select the map grids through the GUI. Which makes it hard to hit the move and explore buttons at times.

I found another bug, clicking the inspect entity button multiple times will result in the name/type dialog to show more than once and overlap itself.


Thanks!, I'll fix those in the next version.

Alright, I'm going to give it a go :D


Thanks a lot!, I look forward to your feedback :)

NP, glad I could help. I like the artstyle btw it's pretty cool. Although the game could use a wiki to explain the meaning of icons.


Thanks!, what do you think about the tooltips? they appear when you hover over the icons, and they tell the meaning of the icons, what other information should they give? is it not enough? should I change the tooltips somehow?.

Only certain things showed tool tips for me. When I hovered over the icons like the ones similar to that O2 one, I get nothing.


I'll complete the rest of the icon's tooltips for next time then. If you have any more thoughts or ideas for the other parts of the game I'm also very interested in hearing them. :D